Book Club Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts for Successful Meetings

Book clubs are a wonderful way to enjoy literature and engage in meaningful conversations with others. However, like any social gathering, there are certain rules of etiquette that should be followed to ensure successful meetings. Here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind:


Be Prepared

Read the book before the meeting and come prepared with your thoughts and questions. This will help keep the discussion focused and ensure everyone has a chance to participate.

Be Respectful

Respect others' opinions, even if you don't agree with them. Listen actively and avoid interrupting others while they're speaking.

Be Open-Minded

Be open to new ideas and perspectives, and be willing to consider different interpretations of the book.

Stay on Topic

Keep the discussion focused on the book and avoid straying into unrelated topics.

Take Turns Speaking

Ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak and contribute to the discussion.


Monopolize the Discussion

Avoid dominating the conversation or interrupting others while they're speaking. Allow everyone a chance to express their thoughts.

Spoil the Ending

Avoid giving away the ending or major plot twists, especially if not everyone has finished the book.

Disrespect Others' Opinions

Respect others' opinions, even if you don't agree with them. Avoid belittling or dismissing others' viewpoints.

Get Off-Topic

Avoid discussing topics that are not related to the book, as this can detract from the focus of the meeting.

Show Up Unprepared

Come to the meeting having read the book and prepared your thoughts and questions. This will help keep the discussion productive and engaging.

All of this is to say that book club meetings can be successful and enjoyable if everyone follows the rules. By being prepared, respectful, open-minded, staying on topic, taking turns speaking, and by avoiding monopolizing the discussion, or spoiling the ending, or disrespecting others' opinions, or getting off-topic, or showing up unprepared, you can ensure that your book club meetings are productive, engaging, and enjoyable for everyone involved.