Book clubs in Isle of Lewis
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Isle of Lewis
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Anonymous8728 (Stornoway)
I'm a 35-year old woman who has never been in a book club before but is excited to meet people with similar interests and discuss a wide range of genres over coffee, preferably on weekend afternoons or during weekday evenings.
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Reading group in Stornoway (Stornoway)
We are a tight-knit book club that thrives on diving into engaging reads from a wide array of authors and genres. With origins traceable back through several generations, our count currently measur...
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Reading group in Stornoway (Stornoway)
We are a small but friendly book group on the lookout for fresh readers. Our club typically gathers monthly, tending to shun wildly challenging books for example different times demand various thin...
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Renee W (Shawbost)
Hi there, I'm a 28-year-old woman who has never been in a book club but is looking to join one that meets regularly and explores a range of genres, especially historical fiction and suspense.
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Shawbost Book Club (Shawbost)
We came together over a love for literature a few years back, and we now look forward to getting adventurous bibliophiles on board our book club. We take turns choosing titles and debating nonficti...
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Reading group in Shawbost (Shawbost)
We meet bimonthly in Shawbost and our readings include thrillers, fantasies, and memoirs. There are eight members in our book club with different backgrounds, ages, and professions. We like a good ...
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Reading group in Carloway (Carloway)
We are a group of book enthusiasts that love indulging in discussions about new and fantastic reads on a frequent basis. Currently boasting roughly 10 members ranging from college students to senio...
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Reading group in Carloway (Carloway)
Looking for likeminded literary enthusiasts? The vibrant book club of Carloway meets once a month and is inviting like-minded individuals to join the experience that expands mind’s bandwidth offeri...
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Issac S (Carloway)
I'm a middle-aged woman with a passion for reading books on history, biographies, fiction and am eager to explore similar varied genres in my new book club.
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