Book clubs in Isle of Shetland
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Isle of Shetland
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South Mainland Reading Group (Shetland)
Meets at South Mainland Reading Group on Run by Helen Quirk Library service based in Dunrossness or South Mainland area of Shetland the group meets the last Wednesday of each month at the local Spiggie Hotel at the generous hospitality of the proprieter Mr. Keith Massey. We meet at: Spiggie Hotel, Scousburgh, Dunrossness, Shetland, ZE3 9JN Accepting new members
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Lerwick Book group (Shetland)
We gather at the Shetland Library's Old Library Centre, hosted by Marghie West. This library service offers a range of fiction and non-fiction books, selected three months in advance by members in the group. The participation of men and women leads to stimulating conversations and allows us to explore a wide range of titles. If you'd like to join us, the Shetland Library is located at Lower Hillhead, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0NQ. New members are welcomed!
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Book vs Movie (Shetland)
Meets at Shetland Library on Run by Catherine Jeromson Library service Shetland Islands Council - Libraries A monthly book group for ages 12 - 16 years to discuss books made into films - which was best? Please contact Catherine at the Library for more details. We meet at: Events Room, Old Library Centre, Lower Hillhead, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0EL Accepting new members Tags Reading Hack
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Saturday Slaughters (Shetland)
Meets at Shetland Library on Run by Catherine Jeromson Library service Shetland Islands Council - Libraries Shetland Library teamed up with Orkney Library and Archive to launch 'Saturday Slaughters' in March 2015. The book group initially invited readers to read and discuss novels by the bestselling crime authors visiting for the crime fiction event Shetland Noir in November 2015. Now the group are continuing, reading a varied selection of crime fiction’s finest. The group is now fully subscribed and meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month, from 2pm -3pm in the Old Library Centre. If you are interested in joining our waiting list, please contact Catherine at the Library. We meet at: Events Room, Old Library Centre, Lower Hillhead, Lerwick, Shetland , ZE1 0EL Accepting new members
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Lunch with Dickens (Shetland)
Each Thursday at the Shetland Library at 1 pm, we host a book club focused on classic reads and we welcome new members. The address is Lower Hillhead, Lewick, Shetland, ZE1 0EL. Marghie West is the leader of this library service.
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Saturday Slaughters Shetland (Shetland)
Meets at Shetland Library on Run by Marghie West Library service Shetland Islands Council - Libraries Meets once a month to discuss a range of mysteries and thrillers. Held at the Shetland Library in Lerwick. We meet at: Lower Hillhead, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE10NQ Accepting new members
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