Book clubs in Isle of Uist
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Isle of Uist
All listings in Isle of Uist

Booky McBookface (Lochboisdale)
Just looking to pass the time with some likeminded types. Maybe some crime, maybe something more literary. Mostly here for the company.
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Anonymous4731 (Lochboisdale)
I am a busy working woman with a love for non-fiction and autobiographies who has never been in a book club before but excited about meeting like-minded individuals over dinner and a good read.
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Reading group in Lochboisdale (Lochboisdale)
Join our book club based on the idyllic "mysterious Outer Hebridians" scenery in famed literature! Our cozy group of eight literary enthusiasts welcome members of all ages and always seek fuel for ...
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Reading group in Lochboisdale (Lochboisdale)
Join our friendly book-loving group in Lochboisdale! Meeting weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm, our small group of between eight to ten members enjoys a wide range of genres from thrillers to romance nov...
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