Book clubs in Belfast

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Belfast

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Added 20 days ago



Cuppabook recommends:

Thursday murder
by Richard osman Lisa Jewell | Buy this book
Love a murder mystery
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22m just looking seeing what the craic is here :)

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I love to read

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Sylvie (22)

I've recently moved to Belfast from down under. I enjoy classic lit but always open to other recs!

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I’m 26 and recently moved from England to Belfast in October. I’ve been wanting to read more books for a long, long while but never really found the motivation. I’m hoping that finding a group or likeminded individual to discuss the books with will help give me the boost I need to delve in. Currently looking to read Play to live or Labyrinth of Reflections. Otherwise any fantasy/sci-fi books anyone can recommend.

Luke recommends:

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
Throne of Glass
by Sarah J Maas | Buy this book
Brilliant fantasy adventure with an iconic, witty and all around badass main character who goes above and beyond to achieve her goals.
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I just moved to Belfast and am looking to meet new people. I am originally from the United States and lived in The Netherlands for the past 4 years. I mostly read Sci-Fi and Fantasy books. Some of my favorites are The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin, Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, Foundation and Robots series by Isaac Asimov, Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

Patrick recommends:

Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
Doomsday Book
by Connie Willis | Buy this book
It is an interesting time travel book that explores how humans respond to pandemics/disease in different time periods. The sequel, To Say Nothing of the Dog, is more light hearted and equally fun.
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Make friends and enjoy new books

Lyn recommends:

A day with you  by Shari Low
A day with you
by Shari Low | Buy this book
Well written with wonderful characters
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Make friends and find new books

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Hi! I love criminal and romantic books and love to share my different opinions with some new friends!

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Michael (23)

I love sci-fi novels like the Dune series. I love modern classics and I like non-fiction stories as well.

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Georgia (23)

I love reading sci-fi and fantasy. I would love to get some new recommendations and talk your ear off about them

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I'm 27 and love reading Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Fiction, and Historical Fiction! I'd enjoy discussing books with others and finding new books to get sunk into.

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I love fantasy and fiction! Seeking like-minded gals for a friendly book club. (LGBTQ+ friendly people only!)

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Fiona C

I'm a 25 year old Legal Executive looking to discuss books with like minded people and make new friends!

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Hello, I'm a 23 booklover looking to make new friends and talk about books.

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I love fiction and I’m looking to meet like minded people and read books that might be out of my comfort zone

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I have only just started reading and would like to discuss and hear other people's opinions on books and to make friends.

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