Book clubs in Coleraine

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Coleraine

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Added 14 days ago


I enjoy reading all genres, particularly horror, fantasy and contemporary fiction. Looking for some new friends to talk to about books!

Nate recommends:

Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
by Min Jin Lee | Buy this book
Follows a Korean immigrant family across four generations.
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Added 23 days ago


Maths teacher who enjoys reading many different genres including mystery, murder and whodunit.

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Thrillers/Crime/Horror/Classics/Poetry Love reading, quite introverted and seeking like minded people

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Reading group in Coleraine

We are a friendly community of book enthusiasts who would love to have new members join us in discovering new literary worlds. Our diverse group consists of individuals of various ages who gather o...

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Reading group in Coleraine

We are a friendly book club located in the heart of Coleraine. Our group ranges from a mix of young professionals to retired enthusiasts. Our love for literature of every genre, and enthusiasm for ...

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Catrina G

An adventurous 30-something female seeking a uniquely contemporary book club with deep-felt characters illuminating human life at its rawest to form a closer intellectual camaraderie with her community.

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