Book clubs in Enniskillen
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Enniskillen

I work in the library world and am new to Enniskillen. I enjoy historical non-fiction & fiction, especially from a female perspective.
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Louise 38, lives near enniskillen. Likes to read contemporary fiction, horror and thrillers. Stephen King is one of my favourite authors. I like to read in the bath and have a bookshelf organised by book colour. Some may disagree with my methods.
Lulu recommends:

28(F) avid reader & bookish content creator. I mainly ready Fantasy, Thriller & Contemporary but will give pretty much any genre a go! Looking to join a book club for socializing & making new friends.
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Fermanagh Book Swappers
We run community bookshelves for Fermanagh book Swappers with social gatherings bringing people together through their love of books.
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Love to read but want to do more so joining a group would be good for new recommendations and meeting other avid readers, love history books and fan of Lesley pearse and Josephine Cox
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