Book clubs in Bristol

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Bristol

All listings in Bristol

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Added 2 days ago

Ceri (Bristol)

I'm interested in books about Nature, trees and wildlife.

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Added 3 days ago

Arron Cummins (Bristol)

Hey. Work for a cafe in bitton. I enjoy reading and looking to set a book club up in the evenings so looking for people interested

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Added 8 days ago

Max (Bristol)

Im max. Im 18 years old and i really enjoy reading. I want to join a book club so that i can meet people who share similar interests to me.

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Added 11 days ago

Frank (Bristol)

History, non-fiction and other well rated books. 75 yo man.

Frank recommends:

The Giant, O'Brian
by Hilary Mantel | Buy this book
19th C group of Irish ne'er-do-wells travel to London to show off O'Brian - a giant
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Added 21 days ago

Wendy017 (Bristol)

Hi I'm wendy. I'm in my fifties and am an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction, but mainly fiction. I particularly enjoy psychological thrillers and women's fiction. I'm looking to either join a book club, or to meet up with people to talk about books that we can read together. There's nothing more frustrating than enjoying a fabulous book, and having no-one to talk to about it.

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Chamberz30 (Bristol)

I’m 27, 28 this year and reading has been my passion since around 6 years old! Looking for new reading recommendations love a true crime story or a murder mystery book but open to new genres

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Lucy (Bristol)

Outgoing, fun loving and I love to try new books!

Lucy recommends:

Orlando by Virginia Woolf
by Virginia Woolf | Buy this book
I love history, and so the perspectives throughout time were interesting to me in this one. The fluidity of Woolf’s perspective transcends gender also, which I loved.
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Bookreader111 (Bristol)

I love to read classics and anything in the fantasy genre. I’m also looking to connect with people my own age (23) and bond over reading!

Bookreader111 recommends:

Orlando by Virginia Woolf
by Virginia Woolf | Buy this book
I love history, and so the perspectives throughout time were interesting to me in this one. The fluidity of Woolf’s perspective transcends gender also, which I loved.
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Bookfun1893 (Bristol)

I am 24 and would like to connect with people my own age

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George (Bristol)

Looking for other people in their 20's passionate about reading. I love literary fiction and Classics. The first table I go for in Waterstones is the one with translated fiction.

George recommends:

To the Lighthouse
by Virginia Woolf | Buy this book
I read the 'time passes' section every other week at this point
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Sophy (Bristol)

Recently got back into reading after a break and keen to share with others and get recommendations. I enjoy fiction and non fiction, mostly women’s stories, recently enjoyed lessons in chemistry, the vanishing half and matrecense

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Emilia (Bristol)

Just got back into reading and am really enjoying thriller and mystery books at the moment! Would also love to meet people in their 20s/ 30s and make some friends in the process :)

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LouiseG (Bristol)

Hello! I am looking to join a book club, i really enjoy reading and want to make more time for this I also like meeting new people. I read various genres.

LouiseG recommends:

Princess by Jean Sasson
by Jean Sasson | Buy this book
Based on true story, the shocking treatment of women in saudi Arabia and the courage and strength they have.
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Old-Fangled Book Club (Bristol)

New book club, fiction/non-fiction/poetry, welcoming anyone.

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JillMc (Bristol)

I used to be a keen reader, but have got out of the habit and now rarely finish a book. I would like to find some motivation to read regularly again and think that a book club would be ideal to kick-start my reading habit again. I have broad tastes in reading. I'd really like to connect with other readers and enjoy some interesting discussion.

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Leah (Bristol)

Would like to join a book club to enjoy discussing books, widen reading choices and meet new people. I enjoy literary fiction, would love to revisit some Classics too.

Leah recommends:

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow  by Gabrielle Zevin
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
by Gabrielle Zevin | Buy this book
The main characters are Video Game developers which gives an interesting background to wonderfully drawn characters with an engaging story.
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Callipygous (Bristol)

Hi, would love to join a book club to get me reading more. Like all sorts but especially classics.

Callipygous recommends:

The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell
The Alexandria Quartet
by Lawrence Durrell | Buy this book
Durrell tells the same story thrice from three different perspectives before advancing the story in the final book of the quadrilogy, which makes for an interesting read in itself. What really makes the quartet however is the vividness of the characters and the atmosphere of mid-century Alexandria - it comes alive as a philosophy and culture since lost to modernity.
Unsong by Scott Alexander
by Scott Alexander | Buy this book
Scott Alexander is always great fun to read and this is no exception - like a nerdier version of Good Omens, his asides and allusions are always fun to read and spot. What sets this book apart however is the payoff at the end where he gives a real and sound answer to the theodicy problem that shadows the story - in truth his answer is a rich seam for considering philosophy, rare praise for a light webnovel.
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AmyB (Bristol)

Looking to get back into reading. No specific genre really, I enjoy reading a range of different books.

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Booklover13 (Bristol)

I love to read and want a push to read more as it is harder to find time these days. I would love to meet some new people and have the chance to discuss some books while getting to know them.

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Susannah (Bristol)

Hi, I'd love to join a book group. Used to be one few years ago and really enjoyed it. Recently moved to Bristol from Vancouver. Read quite widely both fiction and non-fiction. Cheers, Susannah

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