Book clubs in Bristol
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All listings in Bristol

Dominique (Bristol)
I am interested in world literature, novels, poetry.
Dominique recommends:

The island of missing trees
One of the characters is a fig tree. It is based jointly in Cyprus and London. It is poetic and poignant and speaks of the experience of love and war and people who have moved country.

The map of salt and stars
It juxtaposes the story of a contemporary Syrian girl and a girl in the 16th century. It has a positive and empowering ending. It contains poems

Chelsea1591 (Bristol)
Need to get out my reading slump! Would love to talk about books and get me back into it - love a fiction book, love a trending booktok book!
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Megan (Bristol)
definitely a fiction over non-fiction person, I love romance and escapism novels :)
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