Book clubs in East Riding of Yorkshire
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in East Riding of Yorkshire
All listings in East Riding of Yorkshire

Jane (Goole)
Just moved to Beverley and love reading I would like to make friends I am a pensioner I especially like psychological thrillers but will read just about anything
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Nextchapterlau (Pocklington)
I absolutely love reading, particularly fantasy, dark romance, thrillers and the occasional Stephen King. Looking to meet new people sharing their passion for books and reading. Maybe even venture into some new genres.
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Lisa (Hornsea)
I live in Beverley but feel happy to travel. I enjoy sharing a book and chatting about characters and plot. The key word is 'sharing' because I'd really like to make some new friends this way.
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Dennis Higgins (Pocklington)
I am a 91 year old debut author from East Yorksjire who has just had his first novel published and it is already receiving rave reviews It is a modern day Cold War dramea that is as relevant today as it would have been back in the day.
Dennis Higgins recommends:

Anita (Market Weighton)
Keen to meet some new folk and share love of reading
Anita recommends:

Molly (Market Weighton)
Love a thriller and have become an avid reader only this year but constantly reading now, want to meet like minded people to read and discuss the same book!
Molly recommends:

Chloejane (Goole)
my favourite genres are classics, historical fiction, and romances. I would love to meet up with new people, I'm looking forward to the discussions.
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Gill (Market Weighton)
Love reading, love meeting people, sociable and like a laugh.
Gill recommends:

Gill (Market Weighton)
I am interested in joining a book club in Beverley, preferably an informal one in people’s homes.
Gill recommends:

Nicole_rose24 (Pocklington)
I’m 23 years old and have recently moved to Driffield. I’m looking to discover new books and meet new people. Looking to meet up every month.
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Heidi (Market Weighton)
I enjoy fantasy thriller and the occasional romance! Would like to meet more bookish people:)
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Kerry (Market Weighton)
Im new to Beverley after living in New Zealand for 21 years. I love to read and was part of a book club in NZ. It will also help me to meet people.
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Julie (Market Weighton)
Hello I am a Primary Teacher looking to join a book club to meet new people and to expand my reading range and choices. I enjoy Crime fiction, ghost stories and classical literature. Kind regards Julie
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Marie (Goole)
I particularly like horror, detective and funny LOL novels. Looking for a monthly evening club.
Marie recommends:

Ejim's (Market Weighton)
A successful self published author but struggling with market penetration, so I'm looking to connect or network to discuss about marketing process, contracting with publishers and to brainstorm ideas with others. I like non-fiction books
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