Book clubs in Worcestershire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Worcestershire

All listings in Worcestershire

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Added 3 days ago

Vicki (Bewdley)

I have recently moved to the Redditch area and am looking to expand my literary knowledge by exploring and discussing different book genres.

Vicki recommends:

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
To Kill A Mockingbird
by Harper Lee | Buy this book
It explores the themes of racism and prejudice as witnessed through the eyes of children and makes the reader interested in the story and feel compassionate towards its characters. It champions justice and evokes feeling of liberation.
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Added 13 days ago

Denise (Evesham)

I'm Denise I'm 60 years old,I'm looking for a small group of ladies to discuss bookswith,I like fiction, romance etc,looking for a quiet group due to social anxiety.

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Added 22 days ago

Isabelle (Evesham)

Looking to make a few friends reading! I will read anything but I have a particular favourite for dystopian books! Also like reading on Ao3

Isabelle recommends:

The handmaids tale by Margaret Atwood
The handmaids tale
by Margaret Atwood | Buy this book
I really like how its structured, 100% recommend to dystopian lovers
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Added 25 days ago

Catherine (Evesham)

I like reading Memoirs, historical fiction, crime novels and thrillers, anything to do with Southern Africa, but I will read basically anything lol. I'd like to join a book club to meet new people and broaden my horizons.

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Susan (Evesham)

Moved to Malvern wells from Kent in November. Looking for a local book group.

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Bookreader28 (Evesham)

I enjoy fiction, biographies and crime

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Julie (Evesham)


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Poppy (Evesham)

Avid reader, hoping to find a monthly book group so I can share my hobby. I mostly read fantasy, sci-fi or literary fiction but I'm open to pretty much anything.

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DavidJ (Bewdley)

I enjoy a wide variety of literature

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Katie (Bewdley)

My name is Katie and I recently moved to the UK from Canada. I was part of a few book clubs back home and am interested in finding a new group here to connect over a great book, and also as a way to socialize and meet people as I am new to the area. I love all genres of books but my favourites are: fantasy, romance, historical fiction, thrillers, and memoirs.

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Kate (Bewdley)

Book lover

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Nic W-G (Bewdley)

I'm keen to connect with a group of people who would like to discuss books and use it to develop their own writing practice.

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Janie (Evesham)

I am a 67 year old woman living in Redditch and wanting to link with others in a book club. I’m starting a book club with Rachel Laurenson and trying to open it up to others living in Worcester or north of Worcester.

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Bewdley Book Club (Bewdley)

Variety of ages and genders who meet once a month in Bewdley at a local pub. We have an afternoon and an evening club.

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Duncan (Evesham)

I am both a reader and an author, and have wide tastes in literature. I am 76 and increasing loss of hearing makes me more and more amenable to the written word. I am reasonably sociable and enjoy sharing views with other people.

Duncan recommends:

Lead Us Not
by Duncan Heenan | Buy this book
Best summarised in this review: This is an intriguing and unusual novel which draws you in, to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. The central story line (spoiler alert!) is of an ordinary Anglican Clergyman living a fairly bland life in a comfortable English market town, whose existence is thrown into turmoil when, through an unexpected but credible turn of events, he comes to control the town’s main employer. However, all is not as it at first seems, and what could have been a dream come true turns into a nightmare for survival, during which he and others have to make life changing decisions. The background of competing pressures and priorities reflect real life, where life goes on regardless of other events. Matters come to a head during a desperate mission to a small war-torn African country. The lives of his family, and all living in the town and beyond, are touched in many ways, and are part of the narration. This gives the book balance and wide appeal, and is a change from so many modern novels which are channelled into a genre and written to a formula. The skilful use of dialogue and prose is well crafted yet easy to read. It is hard to remain objective whilst reading this book, as the dilemmas faced by the characters make the reader care and want to influence events, and it is this which makes the book difficult to put down. Though the early chapters are a little slow, frustration with this is part of the story, and the pace accelerates throughout; patience is rewarded many times over. It would probably appeal to a mature reader more than to youngsters, and is a bit more than a ‘holiday book’, in that it makes you think a bit rather than turning off the brain, but it is nevertheless a really good read for all occasions. Five stars!
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Benreadsbooks (Evesham)

I used to read stacks of books. I want to regain that habit! Looking to join a book club in Worcester to discuss quality reads with interesting people.

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Sasha (Evesham)

New to the area and looking for a local book group to join.

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Rachel (Bewdley)

Based in Worcester, I am 43 years old and enjoy a wide range of books. Looking to join a bookclub.

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Georgia (Bewdley)

lover of fantasy, tomato’s, dystopia, si-fi Introvert looking for monthly group reads, and to meet others with similar interests

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Grace (Evesham)

My favourite genres are romantasy, thrillers and romance books. Would like to meet once a month and hope to make new friends

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