Book clubs in Bewdley

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Bewdley

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Added 5 days ago


26. Looking to make new friends and share my love of reading. I enjoy literary fiction, fantasy and crime books.

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Added 25 days ago


29 years old , I’m looking to get back into reading and sharing my passion with others x

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I like to read and discuss books

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Want to read more genres and expand my reading

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I live in Worcester and enjoy an active life style but as I get older ( I'm 69 ) I would like to expand my love of reading and share thought/ideas on any variety of genre.

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I am 21 looking to pick up a new hobby! I love crime and romance books and just need some new people to talk to

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Looking to join a friendly book club of people about my age for discussion of literature and friendship.

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I enjoy reading crime and mystery books as well as non-fiction informative books, particularly political ones!

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I like crime fiction mostly but am open to trying different things. I would like a mixture of talking about the book and general socialising. I live in Bromsgrove and don’t drive so it must be local.

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