Book clubs in Corby

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Added 2 days ago


Avid Sci-fi and Fantasy bookworm looking for like minded readers to discuss novels and navigate my loneliness!

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Hello! Since June last year I have become a serious book worm. Prior to that, the last book I read was when I was 17 ( I am now 33!). I'm looking to get to know other people that share the same passion for books as I do :-)

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Great interest in many book genres

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Hello! I am completely obsessed with reading currently, it is all I do in my free time!! I don’t have any friends who like to read so I would love to meet like minded people who I can talk about my favourite books with!! I am new to fantasy however I am now fully a romantasy convert!!!

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Expand horizons, read recommendation and socialize

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I primarily read sci-fi and fantasy. Looking to get in to reading books outside my normal reading habit. Looking forward to meeting friends in the process.

ThomasB recommends:

Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson
Malazan Book of the Fallen
by Steven Erikson | Buy this book
It's beautifully crafted epic with such depth that I'd struggle to give it a description that would do it justice.
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I want to expand my horizons and read alongside different people with different walks of life - I love talking to people about books but hardly anyone I know reads! I love fantasy, dystopian, classics (although I struggle to get through these!) and romance. But I am open to all genres and read a bit of everything really! Looking forward to connecting and meeting you :)

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