Book clubs in Kirriemuir
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Kirriemuir

Retired doctor,.interested in reading fiction, biographies, books on current affairs,etc.Would like group which meets in afternoon.Trying to broaden my knowledge of literature.
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Carnoustie Library Book Group
Meets at Carnoustie Library on Run by Katie Donnelly Library service Angus Council - Libraries Members meet monthly to discuss a book. This group looks at general fiction. We meet at: High Street, Carnoustie, Angus, DD7 6AN
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Kirriemuir Library Book Group - Afternoon Banter
Meets at Kirriemuir Library on Run by Sharon Buchanan Library service Angus Council - Libraries The group meets in the afternoon every 4 weeks to discuss a chosen book. We settle down for an hour and each member of the group gets the chance to air their views and also the chance to choose a title for the group to read. We meet at: 28/30 Reform Street, Kirriemuir, Angus, DD8 4BS Accepting new members
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Kirriemuir Library Book Group - Early Birds
Meets at Kirriemuir Library on Run by Aurora Mackintosh Library service A group of like minded people meet in the library once a month to discuss a chosen book. We settle down for an hour and each member of the group gets the chance to air their views and also the chance to choose a title for the group to read. We meet at: 28/30 Reform Street, Kirriemuir, Angus, dd8 4bs Accepting new members
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Kirriemuir Library - Chatterbooks
The Chatterbookers, a group welcoming ages 8 to 12, meets every two weeks at the Kirriemuir Library (located at 28/30 Reform Street, Angus). Led by Aurora Mackintosh, Library services for Angus Council, it's a fun hour of talking about books, games, and more. New members are always accepted and welcomed - come join the fun!
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