Book clubs in Livingston

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Livingston

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Added 9 days ago


I love to read everything apart from fantasy and sci-fi. Love thrillers or crime books. Needing motivation to get reading again.

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Love Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Historical fiction, but open to all genres (a good book is a good book after all). Looking to make new friends and chat about books

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Tobi MacDonald

I like reading Fantasy, and YA books, and I’d like to join a group and make some new friends!

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Avid reader, like fantasy, true crime and thriller novels.

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Barry Gale

Looking to meet new people and discuss books, especially true crime.

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Busy mum middle aged. Love to read when i can. Mostly books based on real life but im broadening my horizons. It would be nice to chat with fellow book lovers, exchange opinions and make new friends.

Bibliopaws84 recommends:

The Help
by Kathryn Stockett | Buy this book
Based on a true story. Depicts the lives of black housemaids in Southern America post abolishion of slavery. Brings insight into the racial clashes and pulling together of a minority, the torments of controversial opinions and actions but most of all the sometimes non chalant and sometimes comical workings of strong womens' minds.
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Business student, mum and wife. Looking to speak to more people about books. Love crime and thrillers.

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I enjoy a variety of genres but I do like crime, romance and thriller fiction. I would like to meet new people and hopefully make some friends. I am happy to meet every week or two.

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