Book clubs in Machynlleth
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Machynlleth
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As an avid reader who's drawn to serious contemporary literature, I'm excited to find a regular group for sharing insights over tea or even dinner- responding on email in the offline world tends to stoke my drama-seeking writer compulsion.
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Walter S
I'm a 32-year-old woman, lifelong bookworm with a penchant for thrillers, horror and a great glass of wine, hoping to meet other literary enthusiasts to discuss and analyse different genres while enjoying a good coffee.
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Omer R
Hi there, I am a 28-year-old woman who loves to read and wants to join more book clubs to discuss literature with like-minded people who are free to meet in the evenings and discuss upcoming best-sellers and classic works of the Victorian era as well!
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