Book clubs in Channel Islands
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Channel Islands
All listings in Channel Islands

Lee (Jersey)
Starting to read, but i end up finishing books and not really getting much from them and need to link up with other readers to enhance my experience
Lee recommends:

ann (Jersey)
Hi, I am Ann. Moved back to the island after 25 years. Am part of a book club in the UK but, as I can only send in reviews or video call into the group, I am missing the depth and breadth of discussing the books. I have always enjoyed a wide scope of genres and have no particular favourites and love the way the words on a page can impact a group of people in such a variety of ways.
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RexF (Guernsey)
I am a Guernsey author who writes fiction about situations in Guernsey.
RexF recommends:

Lisa (Jersey)
I’d love to find a book group to introduce more variety and range into my reading and of course meet some lovely like-minded people!
Lisa recommends:

GeorgieDurell (Jersey)
Interested is thrillers mainly but looking to explore other book genes. Reading frequency comes in waves due to work commitments and enjoyment of book !!
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