Book clubs in Guernsey
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Guernsey

I am a Guernsey author who writes fiction about situations in Guernsey.
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The Bookworms
We invite children aged 7-10 to join us at the Guille-Allès Library for Chatterbooks, a fun reading group run by Janet Foss! We spend our time together chatting about books, playing games, taking part in quizzes, creating crafts and solving puzzles. We also write reviews of our favourite books which might even be featured in the local newspaper. Any budding writers are welcome to share their latest piece of creative writing with the group too. So come on down and join us at Market Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY1 1HB if you wish to become a member.
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Book Brains
Meets at Guille-Allès Library Run by Janet Foss Library service A friendly reading group for young people aged 11 - 14. We meet in the school holidays to chat about books, take part in quizzes and play games like UNO. During the summer we meet every week and read a short list of books. At the end of the holidays we vote on our favourite summer read, We meet at: Market Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel islands, GY1 1HB Accepting new members
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The Guille-Alles Library Reading Group
Meets at Guille-Alles Library on Run by Ed Jewell Library service Friendly, relaxed, informal book related chat Free Admission, no booking necessary Contact Ed Jewell on 720392 or for more information or to be added to The Reading Group mailing list. 2012 Discussion Topics 11-January Crackers & Turkeys: which books kept you engrossed over Christmas? 8-February Dickens Night 14-March Seafaring Stories 11-April Short stories 9-May Looking back at World Book Night. Which titles kept you up? 6-June The Orange Evening (Date to be confirmed) 11-July Screen Reads – seen the film, read the book 8-August - No Meeting - 12-September Winner of the CILIP Carnegie Award for an outstanding book for Children. 12-October The Golden Daggers Awards Evening (Date to be confirmed) 14-November Titles shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 12-December Christmas Party We meet at: Market Street, St.Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel islands, GY1 1HB Accepting new members
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