Book clubs in Dumfriesshire
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Dumfriesshire
All listings in Dumfriesshire

Josh (Dumfries)
I read a lot of fantasy and I'm currently trying to expand what genres I read. None of my friends are book readers, so being able to meet other people who read as much as I do would be nice.
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Loverofstories (Dumfries)
Hi been reading stories from the library, but looking to make my hobby more social.
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Christine (Dumfries)
I enjoy reading mainly fiction.Once a month book club would be great.
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Iain (Dumfries)
I read sporadically and feel a book club would keep me more structured in reading. I like crime, investigative and undiscovered Scottish writers but generally would give any book a shot. Dont judge a book as they say. Meeting up weekly or fortnightly would suit.
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Rebecca (Dumfries)
I love romance books and looking for people to talk about them with and have no clue where to start and i have no idea if there's anyone near me to do this with.
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Before the coffee gets cold (Dumfries)
Recently moved to the area and looking for a new book group. Used to inperson and zoom groups but struggling to find either near me in Thornhill
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BakedGoods (Lockerbie)
Looking for maybe a monthly book club, reads both fiction and non-fiction. Enjoy broadening my literary horizons and tackling something new!
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Caroline (Dumfries)
I live in Dumfries and am looking to join a book club to meet new friends and read and discuss books.
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Sophie (Dumfries)
I love to read, but often struggle with what to choose. So I was hoping I could find a book club that's loosely structured. I would also love to be able to talk about the things I've read and hear others opinions.
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Charlie (Gretna)
I’d like to meet up every fortnight or so. I’m a fairly big reader but would like motivation to get more into it and I’m really just looking for something social I can do locally.
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