Book clubs in Lockerbie
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Lockerbie

Looking for maybe a monthly book club, reads both fiction and non-fiction. Enjoy broadening my literary horizons and tackling something new!
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Hi, I'm a 27-year-old woman who loves reading biographies and self-help books and would like to meet new people for a weekly book club in my bustling area of the UK.
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Lockerbie Reading Crew
Welcome to our inclusive book club, where members can experience words and stories unlike any other literature work they have in their collection. From contemporary fiction to historical nonfiction...
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Rev. M
Hello! I am a 25-year-old woman who is eager to form new friendships over discussing page-turners written in suspenseful or action-packed genres, meeting biweekly or monthly over brunches sound incredibly better on my calendar, and introduce me some life inspiring, character-building worthy pastime of Book Finding.
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