Book clubs in Aberystwyth
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Aberystwyth
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Aberystwyth Library Reading Group
Attendees will find us the Aberystwyth Town Library for our Reading Group, hosted by the Ceredigion County Council Libraries. Our location is: Queen's Square, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2EB.
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Literary Leagues of Aberystwyth
Are you a book lover based in Aberystwyth? Literary Leagues welcomes new members to our friendly reading club. You don't need to be an expert academic to join our group; we cater to a variety of ba...
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Dacia R
Hi there, I'm a 30-something female who works a Monday-Friday, 9-5 job and hasn't been in a book club before, but I'm excited to meet others who are passionate about reading a mix of lesser-known authors, SciFi/Fantasy novels, and works of historical fiction that expand my knowledge about the world.
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Leontine L
Avid reader of science-fiction, followed by historical fiction or memoirs rotating availability Wednesday evenings, seeking community in reading more with like-minded women close by.
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