Book clubs in Llanelli

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Llanelli

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Added about 10 hours ago


I'm 36 and have always loved reading. I'm moving to Llanelli later in the year and would love to find some bookish people to meet. I read mostly commercial fiction - last book I loved was Daisy Jones and the Six

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Hello I'm 31 i live in llanelli and hoping to find a book club friend or group to join 😊 actively starting my little home library and would welcome some recommendations

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Looking for reading inspiration

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I am 51 and live in Llanelli. I work in the NHS , am engaged and have a 28 year old son and 2 crazy dogs. Reading has been my favourite thing to do since I was very young. I come from a family of avid readers and will read absolutely anything.

Michelle recommends:

Master of the game by Sidney Sheldon
Master of the game
by Sidney Sheldon | Buy this book
A mix of everything I love in a book, intrigue, thrills, suspense, history.
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llanelli town

mixed ages

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