Book clubs in Carmarthen
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Carmarthen

Ellie reads
27 year old, looking for like minded people in the Carmarthenshire/Swansea area. Love most genres.
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Recently retired. Always loved reading and now have more time for it. Would be good to discuss books, hear about books, get to know other people.
Veronica recommends:

Recently completed an English degree. Particularly enjoy reading modern and contemporary fiction that explore the social, cultural and political. Also enjoy Victorian realist fiction. Would be great to meet people who share a love of literature!
Livi recommends:

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Carmarthen's Pages
If you're looking for a welcoming book club to join in Carmarthen, then look no further! We're a group of avid readers who love nothing more than discussing the latest and greatest novels. We get t...
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The H
"I'm a bibliophile in my mid-30s looking for a book club that meets on weeknight evenings once a month preferably focused on historical fiction or speculative fiction."
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Hi there, I'm a 27-year-old woman who loves reading classic literature and mysteries, and would be free to meet most weekday evenings for a book club!
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