Book clubs in Airdrie

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Airdrie

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Added 8 days ago

easy deos it

hi to encourage myself to read more to escape into something that takes away other things in my head. racing mind sort of speak yo learn from others

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Hi im 18 , Im struggling to make friends but I’ve been trying to read books and connect with like minded people . Please share with me your suggestions and lets chat

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Hi, I'm RJ. I'm 20 years old and I struggle to make new friends. I was hoping I could maybe find friendship through one of my favourite hobbies. I love reading, specifically fantasy stuff

RJ recommends:

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas
A Court of Mist and Fury
by Sarah J Maas | Buy this book
I personally just loved this book. I read it 3 times in a month
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Hi I'm in my early 40s and I like reading lots of different books including romance and mystery. Hoping to meet new people to discuss different books with.

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Keen reader multi genre (no chick lit). Likes to discuss what I have read

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I love books and love discussing them with others to hear their perspectives. I used to be a member of a bookclub last year but could no longer make the meetings after I got a new job with new hours, so looking to find another one. I'm a big fantasy fan and, more recently, have discovered a love of murder mysteries

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Margaret Brown

Avid reader

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