Book clubs in Ardrossan

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ardrossan

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Mary 70

Hi I'm looking to meet new friends in ardrossan

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love to read and would love to make some friends

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I enjoy various books and don't have a particular preference. I've never been to a book club and I'd like to get involved to meet new people as well as to discuss books

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I enjoy discussing book and concepts. I am looking for other people to build new friendships with others with similar interests.

Dianna recommends:

The secret scriptures
by Sebastian Barrie | Buy this book
Fabulous book if you enjoy Irish history and contemplating how any life is seen by others
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Reading group in Ardrossan

Looking for like-minded people to share the love of reading? Join our friendly and welcoming club of book enthusiasts in Ayrshire. We gather twice a month in a cozy local café and mull over enthral...

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A friendly and avid reader, fond of historical romance novels and mystery thrillers, wanting to find a book club nearby to chat and delve into exciting new narratives for the occasional afternoon meetings on the weekends.

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Blaine G

I'm a 30-year-old stay-at-home mom who has never been in a book club before, but is eager to read new genres and meet regularly in the evenings with other literature enthusiasts.

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See also