Book clubs in West Kilbride
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in West Kilbride

Looking for a book club to join . I’ll read pretty much any fiction my go to is thriller and romance . Would be good to have a local book club with people of similar age (39)
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Looking for a monthly book club to join. Will ready anything, fantasy is my go to genre.
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I'm a retired journalist turned author who likes talking about books without having to feel there's something more important I should be doing. Other than fantasy, I'll read just about any genre as long as there's a compelling story and engaging characters.
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Twanda R
I'm a thirty-something woman interested in joining a book club to discuss Gothic fiction and classics on weekday evenings, preferably with some wine and cheese.
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Gabriel B
"An avid reader and coffee enthusiast, looking for a weekly book club with people around my age group and focused on contemporary literature."
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Reading group in West Kilbride
Our friendly book group is seeking new members in search of thought-provoking reads and lively discussions. Open to book enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds, our club gathers once a month over ...
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