Book clubs in Banbridge
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Banbridge

Would love to converse on books that are works of great writing. Classics by all means, but also anything more recent from authors who know their craft. I'm no intellectual, but if anyone wants to natter about authors from the likes of Thomas Hardy to Iris Murdoch I'd delight in your company. (Great Film and TV also up for discussion!)
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Want to share my love of reading with interesting people who appreciate good literature
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Reading group in Banbridge
Our book club is a friendly group of avid readers who share a passion for great literature. With about ten active members, we usually sit in the cozy living room of our current book-picker house ne...
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Reading group in Banbridge
Our book club consists of a handful of keen and avid readers, rooted in a shared passion for exploring characters, interests and imaginary worlds through the written word. Preferred genres range br...
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Eliz V
A devoted bibliophile, avid fiction reader and culture enthusiast, Tina Year finally seeks unity participation in virtual/monthly/frequent geographic book clunks that convene weekday/weekadj programs drawn from Poetry or narrative Mystery books so often scrutinized with harhonest bearing conversations.
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