Book clubs in Blaydon-on-Tyne

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Blaydon-on-Tyne

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Would like to share perspectives about books. I love to hear what other people pick from a story as well as sharing my impressions

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I love reading a wide range of genres of books - mostly fiction. I am looking to meet up once a month to discuss books and share recommendations.

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I am just about to retire from a long career in teaching. I love to read and always have to have a good book on the go. I'm really looking forward to having time to read more . I've never been a member of a book group but it's something I've always wanted to do. I read a wide range of genres, thriller/ suspense type books are my go to by for example Andrea Mara, Claire Mcintosh and Lisa Jewel. My favourite books are A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini and The Island by Victoria Hislop.

Andrea recommends:

Before you knew my name by Jacqueline Bublitz
Before you knew my name
by Jacqueline Bublitz | Buy this book
This book moved me to tears and the main character stayed with me long after I'd finished the book. It's about a young girl who meets an untimely death in New York but the book delves into her life leaving you with a sense of a whole person not just a name in a sad newspaper story. Everyone I have recommended this to has loved it.
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Busy life, raising children and a career that has taken my free time, I’m now looking to gain some of that back and find my love of books again.

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I’m a 50 year old women who enjoys a good thriller and have recently made it my mission to read more. It’s an achievement for me to read a book within a week due to confidence from having dyslexia. I would love to join a local book club or volunteer in a reading group to meet more local people too.

Sharon recommends:

Agatha Christie  by Lucy Worsley
Agatha Christie
by Lucy Worsley | Buy this book
Just completed this book o got given at Christmas. I don’t read many autobiography books but this was brilliant as it not only talked about the author but went through social history
The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul  by Deborah Rodriguez
The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul
by Deborah Rodriguez | Buy this book
Amazing easy read. Entertaining in terms of the characters and how women are stronger in adversity and supportive. But also provides social history into Afghanistan and Kabul.
The Flavours of Love  by Dorothy Koomson
The Flavours of Love
by Dorothy Koomson | Buy this book
Great thriller with twists and turns. Couldn’t out this book down once started
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Looking to join a local book club.

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I'm a twenty seven year old new mother who would love to meet with like minded people to discuss books, get recommendations and make friends with similar interests

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