Book clubs in Boldon Colliery

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Boldon Colliery

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I love reading murder mysteries, crime thrillers, and self-improvement/life hack books. I’m always open to discovering new genres though! I’d like to meet new people and share a love of reading!

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Hi am Carrie ...I love reading books and socialising and would like to meet new friends

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I’ve always loved reading and enjoy meeting people to discuss books. It’s a great way to socialise but also keep your mind active.

Elaine recommends:

The Binding by Bridget Collins
The Binding
by Bridget Collins | Buy this book
Lovely descriptive writing and very well written characters
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My go-to genres are sci-fi, mythology and philosophy. But I don't really mind exploring beyond those genres as long as they are quality reads. I want to join a book group because I was to socialise and (although it sounds cheesy) make some friends. I figured talking about common interests would be a good idea.

Alex recommends:

War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
War of the Worlds
by H.G. Wells | Buy this book
It's one of the original Science Fiction books ever written. It's told from the prospective of an astrologist as his home town is the first to be hit in a long war with the mysterious Martians.
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