Book clubs in Cardiff

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Cardiff

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Added 13 days ago


Always looking for book recs!

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I like fiction, short stories, thrillers, and occasional biographies. A book group that is fun & friendly, that creates good discussion and makes us realise and respect other people's point of view, that hopefully allows us to become enlightened beyond our own pillars of wisdom!

StoryWriterGuy recommends:

by Henri Chariere (10 times better than the great film) | Buy this book
Once you get past the first chapter you cannot put it down
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Reading is my favourite thing to do and I’d love to join a book club to expand my reading in general!

Doods recommends:

Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
Mistborn: The Final Empire
by Brandon Sanderson | Buy this book
Brilliant fantasy series with an excellent magic system. Currently on the second book in the series and it’s just as good as the first so far!
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I am currently in a book slump and would like to explore new genres like fantasy and science fiction and horror fiction

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My name is lorraine smith I am 58 years old and I have recently retired from 30 years in the Banking sector. I am an avid reader and I am looking to becoming more involved within the community.

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I retired at fifty five and took up writing crime novels. My first book was launched a the Hay Lit Fest and I wrote a further two books. I am in my late sixties and now only write poetry. I now enjoy discussing the merits and demerits of books.

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I just want to find friends who have the same interests as me

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I love reading and am just listening to a radio programme talking about dementia and how joining a book club is a good idea.

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I have just moved to Cardiff and would love to meet new people and explore new genres of books

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