Book clubs in Dinas Powis
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Dinas Powis
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Dinas Powis Book Club.
Join our wonderful book club community, where members from various age ranges can unite, discuss literature treasures of their choosing, and share their bookish passions in a cosy and relaxed setti...
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Reading group in Dinas Powis
If you love exploring new worlds through literature then this is the book club for you! Based in the cosy nooks of Dinas Powis, our group enjoys getting to grips with complex plots and discussing c...
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Reading group in Dinas Powis
Looking for a fun group of book lovers to nerd out with? Our club meets weekly at the cozy Owl Cafe in Dinas Powys! Our children's book group boasts members from ages six to sixty, gathered around ...
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