Book clubs in Greenock
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Greenock

Lesley Rankin
Enjoying more reading as a result of retirement and would welcome the opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts for chats and recommendations
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i have rediscovered reading and would like to join a bookclub to make new friends
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Avid book reader - at the moment find myself going through about one per week. Looking for like minded people who love books and having a chat about them - and other things!
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Central Bookchat
Meets at Central Library on Run by Margaret Thomson Library service This group consists of 10 - 12 adults who meet once a month on the first wednesday of the month, it is all women at the moment. We read a book chosen by myself, always fiction and usually part of a tesco summer read or TV book club collection, and discuss it the following month. We each give our opinion on the book and sometimes write reviews. I will have found information on the author and reviews from the internet to discuss also. We meet at: Clyde Square, Greenock, Inverclyde Accepting new members Tags women only
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