Book clubs in Kilmacolm

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Kilmacolm

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I’m a fifty-something teacher who likes reading a wide variety of genres but looking for people to help me find books I might not normally choose.

David recommends:

by Neil Stephenson | Buy this book
This book seems to be the first part in a new trilogy by Neil Stephenson. It was about a time, place, and events I had no knowledge of.
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30-year-old avid reader looking to join a book club that meets once a month for discussions about contemporary fiction and memoirs.

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Reading group in Kilmacolm

Welcome to our friendly book club. We are based in the charming village of Kilmacolm in Renfrewshire and active readers of a multitude of literary genres. We meet on the second Monday each month at...

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Kilmacolm Reads

We are a friendly and welcoming book club based in a cozy café in Kilmacolm. Our diverse group consists of 12 members of different ages and occupations who share a love for contemporary fiction. We...

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