Book clubs in Lochgilphead
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Lochgilphead

I am a retired 59 year old divorcee living in a wee house in a wee town. I enjoy cooking, walking and, most of all, reading. I enjoy modern fiction, current affairs and history. A book group would allow me to share my passion for reading with others.
Andrew recommends:

Recently moved here from London, in my defence as a Sassenach, on my paternal side am Irish and maternal Scottish. Yes I do like Haggis and Stornoway Black pudding. Would like to meet people and extend my literary genres,along the lines of : “ If you liked that,you’ll like this.” Although not a “Sky-fi*” fan,* as my Mum called it! Recently bought five books in one go at Argyll Book shop! Lots of my books are still in lots of moving boxes and they’re bloomin heavy! Favourite authors: Pat Conroy; Isabelle Allende and Joanna Cannon. Though you’d never guess from this boring intro, I like a laugh and don’t take myself too seriously.
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"I'm a twenty-something woman who loves getting lost in mystery and thriller books, and I'm excited to join a group of like-minded individuals for engaging discussions and bonding over our shared passion for reading."
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Woman in her early 30s looking to join a book club that meets fortnightly on weekday evenings, particularly interested in contemporary literature and non-fiction.
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Lochgilphead Book Club
Do you love getting lost in a good book? Our book club is here to rekindle your passion for reading! We are a tight-knit group of 10 avid readers based in Lochgilphead, Argyll. Our eclectic taste i...
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