Book clubs in Aberdare
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Aberdare

I read and read and read some more! Anything and everything. I love to follow recommendations - it’s a journey - and it’s great to hear the thoughts of other like-minded people. I’d like to meet new people but I’m flexible about the arrangements!
Kimberley recommends:

I'm open ot any genres. I have always wanted to join a book club
Kayleigh recommends:

I am a 31 year old avid reader, I read anything I can really but particularly enjoy mysteries and thrillers
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I have recently moved to Aberdare and the first thing on my to-do list is to join the library. I love to read and I am currently reading the Woman in the White Kimono. I like to meet other readers and try their recommendations- it’s a journey!
Kimka recommends:

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