Book clubs in Bude
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Bude

Books - love a book festival, fresh ideas, perspectives.
Clare recommends:

Enjoy reading and be great to get some recommendations and join a book club in the Bude area.
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i am an avid - possibly manic - reader and would enjoy joining, or starting a bookclub here, having moved to bude in january. i am a member of a london based bookclub for thirty years. love it. but we do all the meetings on zoom now, and i miss the warmth, laughter and wine of the pre-covid live meetings.
tertia recommends:

I have been in book groups before and enjoy the discussion as well as getting recommendations from others for good reads. I would be keen to meet other readers to maybe form a group?
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Would love to get a group of book lovers together to natter with over a viccy sponge and a cuppa. And by cuppa, I mean Merlot.
Ciera01 recommends:

I am quite new to the area and not only enjoy reading but also meeting people. I enjoy all genres of books
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