Book clubs in Church Stretton
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Church Stretton
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Random Reading Group
Meets at Random Reading Group on Run by Anna Dreda Library service Shropshire County Council - Libraries So called because we don't meet on a fixed day (though it's often a Wednesday) & you don't have to book or join! You just come if you fancy the book! We read bed hardback fiction - with 25% off cover price usually. Next book is Booker short-listed A Little Life on November 25. We meet at: Wenlock Books, 12 High Street, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, TF13 6AA Accepting new members
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Reading group in Church Stretton
We are a quaint book club with a strong community spirit that meets biweekly in Church Stretton. Our tight-knit members range from retirees to professionals in their 20s, united by our love for con...
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Pat R
Hi, I'm Michelle and I'm a 35-year old book lover who enjoys reading a range of genres and is eager to join a fun and friendly book club that meets regularly after work hours.
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Amb. K
"As a young adult interested in mystery, crime genres with an enthusiasm in trying out unexplored territories, I am hoping to connect with avid readers through book clubs close(wishfully) to where I am available in multiple ho- their opinions and what they want to read"
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