Book clubs in Coalville

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Coalville

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ron moreton

witty, lover of books, interested in photography, typical retired man, number of other interests.

ron moreton recommends:

Gulliver`s Travels by Jonathan Swift
Gulliver`s Travels
by Jonathan Swift | Buy this book
Incredible story known world wide. One of the most written about books ever. Humorous, fantasy, discusses hypocricy of politicians and clergy.
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I`m retired now and have always been a reader. I like crime thrillers such as the Morse books by Colin Dexter. I would like to join a book club to see how others feel about books we all read. I would also like the association and conversation of others , possibly associating for a drink afterwards if that is what others like.

Ron recommends:

Gulliver`s Travels by Jonathan Swift
Gulliver`s Travels
by Jonathan Swift | Buy this book
Incredible story known world wide. One of the most written about books ever. Humorous, fantasy, discusses hypocricy of politicians and clergy.
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My resident (an elderly lady) would like to join a book club. She likes thriller and crime novels. We can do anytime between Mondays and Saturdays from 10am to 12pm), if we meet up at Coalville library. Thanks.

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Hi I’m Niamh, I’m 21 and live reading, thriller, fantasy and romantasy. I really want to find new books to read and to talk about my love for books with other people! :)

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Hi, I'm Stephanie and based in Leicestershire. I enjoy fantasy, romantasy, romance, sci-fi and thriller books.

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I'm a retired mother & grandmother, we moved to Coalville 12 months ago and would like to meet people to chat and discuss similar interests, l like reading crime, thrillers and war time novels but will try other topics. I also enjoy crafting and jigsaw puzzles.

Linda recommends:

Their Burning Graves by Helen Phifer
Their Burning Graves
by Helen Phifer | Buy this book
It's one that's difficult to put down and doesn't give to many clues away.
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I love reading anything from horror sci-fi fantasy comedy romance etc etc Am looking for a local book club to join any suggestions please I live in coalville

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Hi, I love reading all kinds of books and hoping to join or create a book club to broaden my interests and make some like-minded friends along the way 😊

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I am 48, daughter has started her own life. Currently looking for new interests and connections.

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I'd like to read more, and I enjoy discussing culture such as films and tv and would like to do the same for books.

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I am a 55 year old woman.a mother, grandmother and daughter. I am currently living quite an insular existence mainly due to several disabilities of a physical nature. Its time to " get out there again" meet like minded people or not lol, hopefully engage in pleasant social dialect. My genres are ...crime thrillers, wellbeing,historical based novels, maybe the odd autobiography.Basically fairly open to exploring . Im not overly drawn towards modern romance or fantasy fiction...but hey ho I may be converted.

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