Book clubs in Isle of Wight
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Isle of Wight

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Classic Book Group
Meets at Ryde Library on Run by Ryde Library Library service Isle of Wight Council - Libraries Reading group just for Classic books. List available on request. Books are sourced by the reader. For readers who like a more in depth discussion. Meeting approximately every six weeks. We meet at: 101 George Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO332JE Accepting new members
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Thomas Hardy Book Group
Meets at Ryde Library on Run by Ryde Library Library service Isle of Wight Council - Libraries Just for 2019 we are reading some of the works written by Thomas Hardy. The group meets every six weeks . Titles we are reading are The Return of the Native Far From the Madding Crowd Under the Greenwood Tree A Pair of Blue Eyes The Mayor of Casterbridge The Trumpet -Major And finally Tess of the D'Urbervilles You can come to all or some of the meetings it is up to you! Also an optional change to come along with us on a trip to Max Gate and Hardy's birthplace in September. Charge for trip. We meet at: 101 George Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO332JE Accepting new members
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Isle of Wight College Book Group
Meets at Isle of Wight College LRC on Run by Kathryn Hirst Library service Isle of Wight Council - Libraries We are a reading group, primarily set up for all students studying at the Isle of Wight College. Unfortunately we do not accept members who are not staff or students at the Isle of Wight College. We meet at: Medina Way, Newport, Isle of wight, PO30 5TA Accepting new members Tags adults with low level literacy, ebook, English as a second language, graphic novel, lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, online, visually impaired
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Newport Chatterbooks
Meets at Lord Louis Library on Run by Anna Britton Library service Isle of Wight Council - Libraries This is a group for young readers who want to shout about their love of books! Come chat about your favourite authors, play games, write book reviews, and so much more! This group is for those in years 5 and 6 with limited places available. Pop into the library or send me an email to claim your space! We meet at: Orchard Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1LL Accepting new members Tags Chatterbooks
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Lord Louis Library Reading Group
The Lord Louis Library Reading Group, sponsored by the Isle of Wight Council Libraries, is an ongoing gathering of 8-12 adults at the Lord Louis Library in Newport. Every month the group discusses different books and authors, and interested individuals are welcome to join. The address for the Library is 44 Orchard Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1LL.
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Thursday Reading Group
The group gets together on the last Thursday of every month at 10:30 AM at Ryde Library (located at 101 George Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO332JE), and is eager to welcome all new members.
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Thursday Book Group
Meets at Ryde Library on Run by Jo Dodd Library service Isle of Wight Council - Libraries We always meet on the last Thursday of the month. We meet at: 101 George Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO332JE Accepting new members
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Blokes Book Group
Meets at Blokes Book Group on Run by Ryde Library Library service Isle of Wight Council - Libraries Friendly Group of Blokes new members very welcome to this very relaxed group. We meet at: Ryde Library, 101 George Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO332JE Accepting new members Tags men only
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Sandown Library Reading Group
Our reading group, facilitated by Louise Emery of the Library Service, is open for new members! We have 10 members - a mix of men and women - who get together every 6 weeks on a Wednesday at 10.30am at the Sandown Library (address 119 High Street, Sandown, Isle of Wight, PO36 8AF). During these meetings, participants discuss their latest read over some tea, coffee, and if we're lucky, a few biscuits. We love trying out new authors and genres, so as to keep the conversations interesting and engaging.
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Sandown Library Readers
Meets at Sandown Library on Run by Louise Library service Isle of Wight Council - Libraries We are a group of 12 local readers who enjoy a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. We meet every 6 weeks at the library although when the weather is good we head to our favourite beach cafe for our meetings! We meet at: 119 High Street, Sandown, Isle of Wight, PO36 8AF
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