Book clubs in Sandown
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Sandown

Hi, my name is Dom, I’m 53 and live in Adgestone. I love reading (science fiction, fiction, sporting books etc) but have never joined a book club but would like to try.
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actually live in Ryde, I'm an avid reader, like all genres as well as social sciences, ecconomics and fiction and none fiction. I'm retired and always have a few books on the go. Would love to meet other folk to discuss books and be part of a local social group.
Sara recommends:

Samantha Williamson
Like all sorts if books, moved back here permanently and looking to meet some like minded people and talk about books.
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I really enjoy reading and writing books. I have just moved here and looking to make friends who have a passion for books!
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