Book clubs in Ledbury

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ledbury

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Added 3 days ago


I am a 29 year old woman who loves to read and would like to meet some new people.

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Love all types of books, but particularly those on other cultures, the human experience and connection. I want to join a book group to meet like minded people and have a good time discussing the books.

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Looking to join a book club to meet like minded people, I like a range of genres from classics to memoirs.

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Canal Walk Readers' Group

Meets at on Run by Canal Walk Readers' Group Library service Herefordshire County Council - Libraries Group of friends but open to new members, meeting once a month in each others' homes. We meet at: Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 Accepting new members

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Reading group in Ledbury

Ledbury's anonymous book club is an opportunity to escape the daily grind, and enjoy quality discussions with kindred spirits about a variety of books! We meet regularly for lively debates in a war...

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Ledbury Bookaneers Club

Ledbury Book Club is a vibrant and friendly book club, looking for new members to join our community. We meet every two weeks at a comfortable location in our local town, getting together to discus...

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Reading group in Ledbury

Ledbury Book Club is a friendly and welcoming reading group looking for new members. We meet regularly, at least once a month, and discuss books from a wide selection of genres to appeal to everyon...

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