Book clubs in Worcester
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Worcester

Sarah B
Graduate woman in my 60s, working as a CBT Therapist for NHS/Mental Health Tribunals. On the run up to retirement I want to join more non work activities that keep my brain in gear and meet up with like minded people. I love reading fiction novels mainly but open to any suggestions for a good read, one of my reasons for wanting to find a book club is t get some good recommendations.
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I'm 56 years old and have always been an avid reader. Over the years my literary tastes have changed. This means I'm open to try any genre of books
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Worcester Silver Surfers
Men in their 60s meeting to talk about the books they love - and maybe a pint afterwards.
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Our book club!
Meets at Eluned Smith Run by Lin Smith Library service Worcestershire County Council - Libraries About 6 well educated women aged around 60 years old who meet up in each others homes or sometimes a cafe to discuss a previously decided-upon novel. We meet at: Tutnall House, Claines Lane, Worcester, Wr37rn Tags audio, talking books, visually impaired, women only
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Our book club!
Six well-educated women aged around sixty get together in someone's home or a café to talk about a book they've chosen in advance. They are hosted by Lin Smith and supported by the Worcestershire County Council Libraries Service. The meetings are held at Tutnall House, Claines Lane, Worcester, WR37RN and services for the audio and visually impaired are available. Women only.
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Chapter 5
Meets at on Run by debbie jones-dee Library service Teenager/Young Adult reading group (13 -17 yrs old) 2nd Thursday in every month - 6.30pm - 8pm. We read a wide range of books which are chosen by the group - different books by same author, different genres such as graphic, dystopian novels, autobiographies. During meetings, there is lively discussion, quiz\\\\\\\'s and games. We have also had film nights where after we discuss the film version to the novel. We also have a closed facebook group where we can discuss the books we are reading throughout the month. We meet at: Worcester, Worcestershire Accepting new members Tags graphic novel, writing
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Chatterbooks at The Hive
Meets at The Hive on Run by Ceri Parker Library service If you are aged between 8 and 12 years old and love books, then \'Chatterbooks at The Hive\' is the book club is for you! Join us for book chat, fun literary games and activities and to discover new books and authors both on the shelves and online! FREE! We meet at: Sawmill Walk, The Butts, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3PB Accepting new members Tags Chatterbooks
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Chapter 5
Meets at The Hive on Run by Debbie Jones-dee Library service Worcestershire County Council - Libraries Teen book group - 13-17 yr olds. Run once a month but also closed Facebook group to carry on discussions. Also help promote books/review books/ young people stock selections We meet at: Sawmill Walk, The Butts, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3PD Accepting new members
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Wildwood Reading Group
A reading group consisting of staff from NHS England, Arden, Herefordshire, and Worcestershire, hosted by Sharon Howard and running from Wildwood Offices in Worcester, Worcestershire, WR5 2LG. We are currently looking for new members.
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St John's Library Readers Group
The St John's Library Readers Group is a friendly gathering where readers of all kinds are welcome! We select different books each month and discuss various topics which range from modern classics to exciting thrillers. People who attend the meeting have the opportunity to share their opinions and insights. We welcome new members at our meetings, which happen on the last Thursday of every month at St John's Library in Worcester, managed by the Worcestershire County Council's Library service. Come join us and experience the welcoming atmosphere!
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