Book clubs in Madingley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Madingley
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We are a group of eight ladies with different professional backgrounds, gathering at Monica Poulter Library (5 Lonsdale, Linton, Cambridgeshire, CB214LT) provided by Essex County Council-Libraries. We choose books, have spirited conversations, and then rate each one out of ten - though not all of us agree on the consensus rating!
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I'm a thirty-something woman who's never been in a book club before and looking for a group of like-minded readers to meet up with weekly and discuss contemporary fiction with a leaning toward historical and fictitious stories.
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Matt R
I'm a 30-year-old woman who gets off work at 5pm and is keen on regularly reading non-fiction and attending book club meetings hosted on weekends within a few miles radius of my locality with a preference for picking on African literature.
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Reading group in Madingley
Are you hooked on books and wanted to meet like-minded people? Our book club might be the perfect fit for you! We're a small but passionate group of book lovers who enjoy meeting up on a weekday ev...
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