Book clubs in Perth

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Perth

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Love Fantasy, Horror and crime Looking for book recommendations and to join a book club

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Hello I'm Jayne, former science teacher, charity fundraiser with grown up children. I'm new to Perth and I love looking to join an evening book group and get to know some new friends

JAYNE recommends:

by Carl Sagen | Buy this book
It makes you think about the big questions (Science, religion, philosophy etc)
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Hello, I’m Imogen, I’m 25 and I’m interested in joining a book group! I work full time in a museum/archive and have been trying to get back into reading more regularly. I love fanstasy, thrillers, mystery and am willing to dabble in other genres too, I just need helpful recommendations of where to begin! :)

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Bertrand 1949

Hello, I am living in Perthshire, West Dron near Bridge of Earn and retired. I love reading among quite a few other things (gardening, walks...). I would like to exchange with other people interested in reading. I like novels, history etc. Currently reading "The Corfu Trilogy" by Gerald Durrell and Elodie Harper's "Temple of Fortuna" the last book of another trilogy. I am a member of Perth Library, which I support as much as possible. If possible I prefer communication via email. I am not great with social medias, apps etc... Sorry.

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New mum, I have recently rediscovered my love for reading

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Mum of one, busy job, really love reading fiction and discussing books, find books great escapism/ good for mental health etc

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I'm currently 56 and had to retire from my job as a project manager (most recently at SSE before the closure), through health issues and problems with hearing. Although these are largely resolved (hearing aids, etc.), I've become rather trapped in the home. Need to get out and socialise more. I've previously read widely, everything from science fiction, horror, political thrillers and even a few classics but mostly reserve that for holidays nowadays when I still read a lot, but I've become a bit stuck re-reading the books I like best and need to dip my toe in other things, which is where I think this might help. Regards, Drew

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I was born in Perth, have spent the last 15 years living abroad. Now back in Perth and looking to resurrect a bit of a social life. I love books and reading, mainly thrillers, but also enjoy biographies, crime, best sellers, etc. Looking to join a local book club.

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