Book clubs in Pitlochry
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Pitlochry

Hi Julie, I think this is the right contact - I met you last month at the bowling club? Can you send me the Facebook link and the name of the book which was chosen for next rime? Thanks veyr much Helen McDade
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I've recently retired and moved to the area. I love reading all genre of books and would like to meet like minded people to discuss books with.
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Emerald H
As a retired woman interested in classic literature, I'm hoping to find a friendly book club within walking distance of my home that meets during the daytime.
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I'm a retired woman who recently discovered my passion for classics and contemporary fiction, hoping to join a welcoming book club that meets every other week in the evenings.
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Reading group in Pitlochry
Our book club consists of avid book lovers who have a passion for reading a diverse range of genres, from thrillers and mysteries to timeless classics. With cozy meetings held on alternate Saturday...
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