Book clubs in Sutton-in-Ashfield
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Sutton-in-Ashfield

28 avid reader and lover of all things cosy!
Ellie recommends:

I’m Ellie, I’m 28 and I host an online book club (Instagram). We have a different genre each month, suggestions are sent to me & I create an online vote to decide the winner. Our chat is help on Instagram the first Wednesday of every month. No pressure to read each book. We sometimes do coffee meet locally too! Send me a message on Insta @books_onabudget
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Elly passingham
30 years old looking for a book club to join. I love thrillers and fantasy books.
Elly passingham recommends:

Hy!i love reading from thrillers to fantasy and self help books and I am looking to join a book club, make new friends and discuss about books.
Elena recommends:

Hello I’m 33 and would love to join or Meet up with any other book lovers out there that’s possibly in the Sutton in Ashfield area or Mansfield . I enjoy reading Thrillers to fantasy anything really.
Lindsay recommends:

I’ve always loved to read since being a child and would love to chat to others who enjoy reading.
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Love to read, mostly contemporary, historical fiction and psychological thriller genre
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24, Big romance and thriller reader, also love non-fiction reading, particularly in the range of feminism and queer theory!
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