Book clubs in Ballyclare

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ballyclare

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Added 4 days ago

Brown eyes

I’m a 40 year old woman looking to meet people with the same interest in books as me, nothing better than quiet time with a good book

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Added 8 days ago


Female in mid 30s who recently moved to Ballyclare. Loves reading fantasy, mystery and gothic fiction most of the time, looking for new friends to discuss books and to recommend new reads

BookwormBelle1191 recommends:

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
Warm Bodies
by Isaac Marion | Buy this book
Does something different with the zombie genre by narration coming from the zombie's perspective and written with plenty of intrigue and humour. The romance is also very well done and the story has a lot of heart.
Storm Front by Jim Butcher
Storm Front
by Jim Butcher | Buy this book
First book in the Dresden Files, introducing the main characters, how the magic system works and tells a good story with lots of humour and crazy yet awesome moments
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30F recently moved to Ballyclare, looking for a group to get to know people

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Hi, My name is Lara and I'm looking for a book club to chat about books and get good recommendations! I read most genre but do have a soft spot for fantasy with Sir Terry Pratchett, Charles De Lint and Ursula le Guin being amongst my favourites and historical fiction - Hilary Mantel, Ken Follett etc. I'm also looking to push myself out of my comfort zone a little. I've stopped going out, stopped trying new things and I think it would do me good to meet some new people and people who love books, seems like a safe place to start!

Lara recommends:

Night Watch by Terry Pratchett
Night Watch
by Terry Pratchett | Buy this book
Sir Terry was an expert in satire and the human condition. This book the 6th book in the Watch series and probably STP's best book. It's not a place I'd recommend starting, that would be Guards Guards, but my life would be less bright without this book in it.
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I enjoy most genres and am looking for a book club near me I am a nurse and have just returned to work on part time basis after being ill I enjoy conversation and feel a book club would be an interesting way of meeting new people

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