Book clubs in Ballymena
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ballymena

Hi all, had a new years resolution to read more, and I am now on my 11th book and loving it
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A book-loving amalgam of murder mystery maniac keen to join an inclusive LGBTQIA+ club that read books by black and Indigenous authors that meets every third offline Tuesday at 7 pm PT/10 pm ET.
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Adrian K
Hi there! I'm a book-loving 30-something woman who is interested in joining a book club that meets once a month, preferably on weekends, to discuss fiction and non-fiction that incites critical thinking with like-minded individuals.
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Connie W
I am a 27-year-old man, free to meet during the weekends and Tuesday afternoons, who enjoys getting lost in biographies, historical fiction, and thrillers or any books that inspire me to get out of my reading comfort zone, and I am excited to join my first book club.
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