Book clubs in Faringdon

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Faringdon

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Added 14 days ago


Hello! I work with kids and read a lot of YA and middle school fiction. I would love to find a group or a person to read books (fantasy, science fiction, self help, non fiction, mystery/thriller, fiction) and just discuss and talk about it. I would love to meet friends and connect!

Brianne recommends:

Devine Rivals
by Rebecca Ross | Buy this book
This is a YA but it is so beautifully written, you wouldn’t know that it was YA. It takes the horrors of war and guides the readers on a journey through hope, and truth. Its just so beautifully written. The chapters start off small but they get longer as you keep reading and I think that is part of its charm as you explore the two perspectives as one. Honestly cant rate this book highly enough.
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I love reading and usually enjoy them by myself, after being on a reading retreat I've been excited to meet more book like people near me!

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New to reading but signing up with my girlfriend who has millions of books. Would like to get know her better through reading together.

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Hi I love reading, in particular books set at least 100 years ago. I’ve just become single so would like to make new friends

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Avid reader, looking for a more social aspect. Open to most genres

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Joe Rajapaksha -Science with Joe

10 year old Joe is a climate campaigner who has published two books so far. He wants to share his books with children so they will understand climate change and how to cope with it. In his first book, "The Changing World", he explains climate change in simple terms and in his second book, "Bee Friendly," he explains the importance of bees and other pollinators. It would be greatly appreciated if you could arrange for him to read his books to children. As part of his climate change campaign, Joe received numerous awards, including the BBC Make a Difference Award. He was also honored by Westminster with the British Citizen Youth Award. Many thanks, Nadi (Joe’s mother)

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