Book clubs in Southam
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Southam

Hi, I am into any type of books, I'm always looking for book recommendations! I would also like to meet some new friends, maybe meet up and have coffee and a chat about the latest book
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I'm a thirty-something avid reader who has never been part of a club before but is eager to connect with some like-minded folks to discuss recent literary hits over a coffee or a fortifying pint after work.
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A book-loving woman in her late thirties who can meet in the evenings on weekdays and occasionally on weekends, wants to read modern fiction and memoirs with like-minded individuals, as this is her first time creating a profile, looking for a cozy or cozy and intellectual group.
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Reading group in Southam
We are a relaxed, friendly book club with a love of all genres. We meet twice a month in different locations around Southam, giving everyone a chance to choose the venue for the evening. Our member...
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